When: October from 8th to 12th
Where: Monterey, California, US, Alisomar Conference Group
What is it?

ISWC 2018
The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is the leading conference for research on Semantic Web topics. It is held annually and is the successor of the Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS).
The International Semantic Web Conference is the premier venue for presenting fundamental research, innovative technology, and applications concerning semantics, data, and the Web.
The ISWC 2018 conference will feature research talks, tutorials, demonstrations, and workshops. It will cover issues in database, information retrieval, information extraction, natural language processing and artificial intelligence techniques for the Semantic Web, knowledge representation and reasoning on the Web, knowledge graphs and deep semantics, machine learning and data mining methods for the Semantic Web, data mining and knowledge discovery in Linked data and ontologies, robust and scalable management of semantics and data on the Web and in Linked Data, processing and storage of semantic data on the blockchain, methods to investigate and catalogue semantic primitives used in ontology definitions, enabling access to ontologies and knowledge bases by rendering the knowledge in different modalities, e.g. as natural language text, explanatory video and interactive elements.
Who is there?
One of the partners of euBusinessGraph will be there. UNIMIB got a paper and a poster accepted at the WOP (http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2018). The paper was awarded with the Best Paper award.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch via Twitter: @eu_graph. The official hashtag is #iswc2018
Image credits: Monterey Wikipedia